In 1981 I took on my first real job working at The Bread Basket as a "set-up man" which meant I set-up the next morning's bake. Eventually, I was promoted to "pep man" and that entailed getting up at 3am and making the famous Bread Basket Pepperoni Bread. What a great, fun-filled few years of my life. I met so many people - some of which are still friends today.

Bread Basket, Cherry Hill

Bread Basket, Cherry Hill

Bread Basket, Cherry Hill

Bread Basket, Cherry Hill

Bread Basket, Cherry Hill

Bread Basket, Cherry Hill

Bread Basket, Cherry Hill

Bread Basket, Cherry Hill

Bread Basket, Cherry Hill

Bread Basket, Cherry Hill

Bread Basket, Cherry Hill

Bread Basket, Cherry Hill

Bread Basket, Cherry Hill

Bread Basket, Cherry Hill

Bread Basket, Cherry Hill

Bread Basket, Cherry Hill

Bread Basket, Cherry Hill